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Wi-Fi QR code の仕様メモ

Wi-Fi アライアンスのサイトに掲載しているのを見つけたのでメモ。
の「WPA3 Specification」の PDF 内の「7 WIFI URI

URI is defined by [7] and formatted by the WIFI-qr ABNF rule:

WIFI-qr = “WIFI:” [type “;”] [trdisable “;”] ssid “;” [hidden “;”] [id “;”] [password “;”] [public-key “;”] “;”

type = “T:” *(unreserved) ; security type
trdisable = “R:” *(HEXDIG) ; Transition Disable value
ssid = “S:” *(printable / pct-encoded) ; SSID of the network
hidden = “H:true” ; when present, indicates a hidden (stealth) SSID is used
id = “I:” *(printable / pct-encoded) ; UTF-8 encoded password identifier, present if the password has an SAE password identifier
password = “P:” *(printable / pct-encoded) ; password, present for password-based authentication
public-key = “K:” *PKCHAR ; DER of ASN.1 SubjectPublicKeyInfo in compressed form and encoded in “base64” as per [6], present when the network supports SAE-PK, else absent
printable = %x20-3a / %x3c-7e ; semi-colon excluded
PKCHAR = ALPHA / DIGIT / %x2b / %x2f / %x3d